Tom Hardiman
Ingenious writer-director, Tom Hardiman’s flair for avant-garde storytelling and technical prowess have established him as a rising filmmaker to watch.
His debut feature ‘Medusa Deluxe’ (Somesuch x MUBI / A24) was released to critical plaudits, and claimed multiple award nominations, including at BFI London Festival; Sitges Festival; Sao Paolo Festival, and the London’s Critics Circle Awards.
As a commercial director, Tom’s editorial-primed eye elevated ‘Bar Luce’ for Prada and Vogue. He’s additionally shot adverts for Mercedes, XL Records and Grundig.
Tom pioneered made-to-measure camera effects for his Mura Masa videos, a distinctive stop motion style for Prada, a body morph effect for tUnE-yArDs, and a hybridised animation style for ‘Pitch Black Panacea’ which premiered at the Clermont-Ferranc International Short Film Festival in 2019.
Tom came to prominence via ‘Radical Hardcore’ (Dazed), which was selected by Lynne Ramsay for her ‘Electric Shorts’ series, qualifying it for the London Short Film Festival and BFI’s Network Picks. He’s presently writing two new features between commercial projects.